Decaf SWP El Indio

Decaf SWP El Indio
Producer: CATICA
Region: Tarrazu, Costa Rica
Varietal: Caturra, Catuai
Process: Swiss Water Decaffeination
Elevation: 1300-1600m
The famed mill located on the La Minita Estate in Costa Rica’s Tarrazu Valley produces some of the cleanest and sweetest coffee in all of Costa Rica. This year, the wonderful folks at La Minita have begun to offer their premium estate cuvée mill mark, El Indio, as a Swiss water processed decaf. The El Indio is comprised of several farms who share a property line with the La Minita Estate. These coffees are processed to the same high quality standards as their estate offerings. Decaf is definitely NOT an afterthought for us. We take as much care in sourcing our decaf coffee as we do everything else. This coffee is great in everything from a drip (pour over) to French press, and can certainly stand up in the espresso machine, as this is our house decaf espresso. The cup profile is syrupy bodied with milk chocolate through the whole cup.
Orders received before end of day Wednesday, will be roasted and fulfilled the next day. All orders received after this time will be fulfilled the following week. All bags are 340g.
Are you local and would prefer to pickup? Choose pickup as method for delivery to collect at the Roasting Plant in Ventura.
Roasting Plant Pickup address:
5777 Olivas Park Dr. Suite R Ventura, CA 93003. You will receive an email from us when your order is ready for pickup. Check in with our baristas up front when you arrive for pickup. Pickup hours are 7am-2pm.