Matarredonda Estate

Matarredonda Estate
Producer: Vasquez Family
Region: Pasto, Colombia
Varietal: Bourbon, Typica, Gesha
Process: Washed
Elevation: 1900m
The Vasquez family has been producing estate coffee in the Pasto growing region of Southwest Colombia for close to four generations. Their estate home sits among the farm high on a plateau surrounded by a mature high-altitude pine forest. The farm itself lays almost level at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level.
Kike and Vivan Vasquez are also the co-owners of Enantioquia – the dry mill, located in Jardin in Colombia’s Antioquia growing region. This is where all of our Colombia micro-lots are finished and prepared for exporting.
The relationship between our two organizations has flourished since our first trip to meet them nearly a decade ago. In fact, visiting Colombia and the farmers whom they work with has become Jennifer’s very favorite part of the sourcing year.
Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Heavy Body
Orders received before end of day Wednesday, will be roasted and fulfilled the next day. All orders received after this time will be fulfilled the following week. All bags are 340g.
Are you local and would prefer to pickup? Choose pickup as method for delivery to collect at the Roasting Plant in Ventura.
Roasting Plant Pickup address:
5777 Olivas Park Dr. Suite R Ventura, CA 93003. You will receive an email from us when your order is ready for pickup. Check in with our baristas up front when you arrive for pickup. Pickup hours are 7am-2pm.